North Borneo
- Book Reviews: 1. Amphibians &Reptiles of Mount Kinabalu(North Borneo). 2. Geckos-All Species in One Book.
书评:1.;吉纳巴鲁山(北婆罗洲)之两栖爬虫类 - A city of Malaysia in northern Borneo on Sandakan Harbor,an inlet of the Sulu Sea. It was the capital of British North Borneo until1947. Population,73,144.
山打根马来西亚一城市,位于北婆罗洲的山打根港,它是苏禄海的一个小水湾。该城在1947年前一直作为英属北婆罗洲的首府。人口73,144。 - A city of Malaysia in northern Borneo on Sandakan Harbor, an inlet of the Sulu Sea.It was the capital of British North Borneo until1947.Population, 73, 144.
山打根马来西亚一城市,位于北婆罗洲的山打根港,它是苏禄海的一个小水湾。该城在1947年前一直作为英属北婆罗洲的首府。人口73, - A city of Malaysia in northern Borneo on Sandakan Harbor, an inlet of the Sulu Sea. It was the capital of British North Borneo until1947. Population,73, 144.
山打根马来西亚一城市,位于北婆罗洲的山打根港,它是苏禄海的一个小水湾。该城在1947年前一直作为英属北婆罗洲的首府。人口73,144 - In 1943, Mount Kinabalu Anti-Japanese guerillas led by Guo Yinan (Kuok Aik Nam) in British North Borneo seized Jesselton and killed more than 60 Japanese soldiers.