- 奇纳马萨
- But Justice Minister Patrick Chinamasa says the election will go ahead.
但是津巴布韦司法部长帕特里克-奇纳马萨说,选举将如期举行。 - ZESN said it received a letter from Justice Minister Patrick Chinamasa on Friday saying that it would only be allowed 500 observers.
到星期二为止,有38个机构表示他们已经撤退,因为津巴布韦选举支持网路说,只有500名观察员被认可符合资格。 - Justice Minister Patrick Chinamasa told journalists in Harare that the runoff would be held in terms of Zimbabwe law, but he did not give any indication when the election would take place.
他说,他知道,新的选举将引发更多暴力,但也可能是把穆加贝赶下台的最后一击。他说,这可能是津巴布韦人民最终把自己从原来的救星穆加贝的统治下解放出来的漫长斗争的最后一场较量。 - Tsvangirai withdrew from the presidential runoff election Sunday saying that it was an illegitimate, violent sham.But Justice Minister Patrick Chinamasa says the election will go ahead.