triple crown tournament
- In 2006 the official sponsors of the tournament, RBS, commissioned a trophy for the Triple Crown winners.
2006年,六国赛的官方赞助商-皇家苏格兰银行为三角赛冠军制造了一件奖品:直径42厘米厚5厘米的大型银盘。 - The NWCS "Triple Crown" chess tournament finishes this week. The winners from each catagory will receive trophies. For details of the tournament, please contact Mr. Ifay Zhang directly.
北威中文学校的棋艺比赛将继续举行﹐详细比赛细节请向棋艺课张一飞老师联络。 各组优胜者将得到奖盃。