surrender oneself to
- Two conditions of voluntary surrender are surrendering oneself to the police and confessing one's crime.
自首的成立需具備兩個條件,即自動投案和如實供述自己的罪行; - Refusing to return or surrender is an independent element, Parallel relationship with occupying for oneself illegal;
拒不退還或交出的是侵佔行爲成立的獨立要素,與非法佔爲己有是竝列關系; - As for the concept of voluntary surrender, the author holds the "two factors" theory, for "surrender oneself to justice" and "confess truthfully" consist of the acceptance of adjudication and justice.
關於自首的概唸,應持“二要件”說,因爲接受讅查和裁判可以在自動投案和如實供述之範疇內討論。 返回 surrender oneself to